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Client Overview

Kids & Teens Medical Group is a network of pediatric centres offering specialised services for children’s health and wellbeing. Their core offerings include pediatric after-hours care, children’s insurance, and general pediatric services, making them a comprehensive solution for families.


Kids & Teens Medical Group approached HypeX with several digital challenges:

  1. Disconnected Branding: Their three core businesses, pediatric after-hours service, children’s insurance, and pediatric care, had separate digital presences. The goal was to unify these services under one brand while ensuring the individual services stood out.
  2. Outdated Websites: All three websites need to be updated. They were slow to load and not optimised for SEO, which hindered user experience, site traffic, and search engine rankings.
  3. Need for a Unified Online Portal: The client wanted to establish itself as a one-stop portal for children’s health and wellbeing. This required bringing all services together cohesively with streamlined navigation.


HypeX’s Strategy

To address these challenges, HypeX executed a comprehensive digital transformation strategy:

Website Revamp in Los Angeles, California

    HypeX revamped all three of Kids & Teens Medical Group’s websites with a modern, user-friendly design. Each site was optimised to load within 3 seconds, ensuring a fast and seamless experience for visitors. This included:

    Unified Branding and Messaging

      We crafted a cohesive brand message that positioned Kids & Teens Medical Group as an all-in-one solution for children’s healthcare. Their three core services, pediatric care, after-hours service, and children’s insurance, were combined under a single portal. This approach simplified the customer journey and allowed parents to find the needed services quickly.

      Social Media Strategy

        HypeX also revamped Kids & Teens Medical Group’s social media presence, focusing on brand development. We developed a content strategy emphasising the group’s holistic approach to pediatric care, with educational posts, service updates, and engagement with the local community. This strategy enhanced their online presence, drove traffic to the newly designed websites, and fostered stronger connections with parents.


        After the revamp in 2023, Kids & Teens Medical Group saw significant improvements in their digital precense.


        By revamping the websites, optimising SEO, and unifying the brand messaging, HypeX successfully positioned Kids & Teens Medical Group as the go-to provider for children’s healthcare services in California. Our holistic digital approach improved the user experience, helped drive business growth, and established a robust online presence for the future.