People rely heavily on the Internet to learn everything about a company online.
People immediately check the company website for numerous reasons, such as to get some information about the products, business hours, business contact details and address, to seek job opportunities, etc.
Also, a website helps to establish credibility as a business.
Websites are an owned medium, which can give a positive impression that your company is a great place to work and more significant and successful.
At HypeX Digital Marketing Agency, we are dedicated to providing your business with a comprehensive online presence.
We prioritize functionality and usability and provide training to your staff to ensure that your website is used as an asset for your business in Sri Lanka.
Our main objective is to ensure visitors can easily find the information they are searching for, resulting in a positive and practical user experience.
Here are some services you can have when we start working on your brand website or create a fresh website for your business.
It is vital to have a memorable and brandable domain. It should be as short as possible and easy to pronounce.
Consider your target market when selecting a domain name and make it readable for the language they are familiar with.
You can use regional domains such as .lk for Sri Lanka, .ph for the Philippines, and for Australia. Consider keywords when selecting a domain name, which can be an additional benefit.
When choosing a web hosting service, it is crucial to consider server performance and power.
From managed VPS hosting to shared hosting, look into the storage capacity, bandwidth, subdomains, database support, control panel installation, mobile hosting, shell access, .htaccess access, cron job facility, and website backup to create an optimal hosting environment and ensure your websites are served with the best speed possible.
Having SEO-friendly content is essential to position your website in today’s competitive digital marketplace.
HypeX specializes in creating concise, unambiguous copy optimized for search engines. Our language writers have technical and domain knowledge to ensure that content is keyword–rich and focuses on the bottom line – making readers more likely to view your pictures than lengthy essays.
Ensure your website is optimised with proper website testing and a website audit.
Our website testing covers Functionality, Usability, Interface, Compatibility, Performance, and Security to provide qualitative feedback and improve your interactive experience.
Our website audit covers technical issues, usability, SEO and keywords, performance, and site content.
At HypeX Digital Marketing Agency, we ensure your website functions optimally.
From bug fixing and maintenance to urgent project completion, we provide the service you need to achieve a successful outcome.
Don’t delay – let us help you fix your website quickly and without hassle.
To stay competitive, make sure your website is mobile-friendly and performing well.
Consider revamping it with a modern and well-featured Content Management System (CMS) to create a dynamic rather than static website.
Take advantage of the latest innovations, and we design trends to give your brand a fresh impetus.
Our Process Starts with Consultancy Work to Understand and Analyze Your Business, Followed by Market Research on Your Top Competitors.
Adding HTTPS to your website gives it the necessary security and authentication to build trust with your users. Moreover, Google rewards websites that have HTTPS enabled when indexing, improving your website‘s SEO as a result.
We guarantee your website is safe from cyber-attacks by utilizing the latest technology to lock down your website. Our protection covers all known vulnerabilities and ensures your data is secure.
We specialize in web designing – an art form that reflects your business insight.
As the saying goes, “First impressions last.” With web design in Sri Lanka, your website is the first thing a visitor sees.
That’s why we ensure our websites are optimized for selling, up-to-date with current technology, and uniquely designed to speak for themselves.
Additionally, all of our sites meet the World Wide Web Consortium’s accessibility standards, and we test them in the most popular browsers and screen resolutions.
Having a website is an opportunity because it establishes your legitimacy as a business, and it’s a great first impression if appropriately done while giving people comfort that you’re a real business.
Therefore, it impacts how your audience perceives your brand.
The impression you give off through your website will either encourage visitors to remain on your page and learn about your business or encourage them to leave and turn to a competitor.
This is where you need a good website, not just anything that looks like a website.
We are just a call or an email away, if we can’t take you in right now we will definitely point you in the right direction. That’s our promise!