
How To Get The Best CRM For You?

Best CRM for your Startup in 2024

All Articles To grow your business, you must understand and interact with your customers throughout the customer life cycle.  Customer relationship management, or CRM, makes it much easier to gather and analyze customer data from various touch points in one place and interact with the CRM industry, which has been a growing market with many […]

How should a company position itself on shared values in 2024?

HypeX HypeX Digital Marketing Company Sri Lanka

All Articles How do companies stand out in a world overflowing with choices and brands?  The answer lies in shared values.  Here’s what you need to know on positioning your company based on shared values and why it’s more crucial than ever. Understanding Shared Values Have you ever heard the saying, “Birds of a feather […]

Future of a Digital Marketing Agency in Sri Lanka

Future of Digital Marketing in Sri Lanka

All Articles Digital marketing evolves daily. AI is changing how we work very fast. Digital marketing agencies compete with each other, which is familiar.  Globalization brings unlimited potential for Sri Lankan digital marketing agencies, allowing them to work with international clients. However, it also exposes local digital marketing agencies to severe global competition.  So, the […]

Why businesses should look for rich content creators

Strategic Content creators

Businesses should stop knocking on the wrong door! Look for rich content creators instead of traditional marketing and advertising companies In 2024, the digital landscape is evolving rapidly, with innovations like Apple Vision Pro and TikTok’s expansion into landscape-oriented, long-duration videos, making information more accessible.  The ability to learn virtually any skill, such as setting […]

How to Get Started in Digital Marketing

web design company in Sri Lanka

No time to read; we’ve got you covered. Could you listen to the article here? Digital marketing involves promoting businesses through online platforms using different strategies under your business’s overall marketing plan. Social media, email, and search engines are some of the most popular channels through which digital marketers contact their customers. So, let’s see […]

Grow Sri Lankan Economy with Digital Marketing

Economic Growth

Sri Lanka is a lower middle income earning and developing country. Many sectors contribute to the Sri Lankan economy, from Tea, Tourism, the Apparel industry and more. These industries gain the most foreign exchange to the country. Is there any way to use the increasing technology and digital marketing to boost these industries? Let us […]

How to respond to online blackmail and other cybercrime in Sri Lanka

All Articles Everyone relies on the World Wide Web (WWW), which has been available to the public since 30 April 1993. The Internet keeps us connected, assists us with daily life, and is an excellent source of knowledge. Within two decades, the Internet has evolved rapidly; today, it has become a part of our daily […]

Effective Digital Marketing Strategies for Sri Lanka in 2022

Digital Marketing in Sri Lanka

All Articles Even though Digital Marketing has become one of the compulsory elements to embed into your overall business strategy, every Digital Marketing Strategy should be according to your audience. What are the best digital marketing strategies you could use in Sri Lanka to achieve better results? This article will examine them. Social Media Marketing  […]

Key Features to consider when using a WordPress CRM Plugin

If you want to grow your business it is important to understand your customers and interact with them throughout the customer life cycle. Customer relationship management aka CRM makes it’s a lot easier to gather and analyze customer data as well as interact with the customers to explore more hidden opportunities. Since the beginning, CRM […]

Digital marketing strategy for a small business in Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka is a tiny island with plenty of opportunities for small businesses. Even the current business giants also started as small entrepreneurs some time ago. If you own a small business, you would know the struggle you are going through daily. Except for attending daily operations, you have to work on promoting your business […]